Inspiration für das Neue Jahr


Jeder Tag ist ein Neuanfang, und jeder neue Jahresanfang ist eine besondere Gelegenheit, bewusst neue Kraft zu sammeln, um mit neuer Hoffnung, neuer Entschlossenheit, neuem Enthusiasmus, neuer Energie vorwärts, einwärts und aufwärts zu gehen in unserer inneren und äußeren Entwicklung – auf dem Weg der Manifestation unserer Herzensträume und Seelenaufgaben.

Hier einige mantrische Neujahrs-Gedichte, Songs und Texte von Sri Chinmoy, die ihre Kraft in der meditativen Wiederholung – lauft oder auch im Stillen – entfalten können:

Happy New Year,
Happy New Year!
Go forward,
Fly upward,
Dive inward!
No fear, no fear!

Question: From the spiritual point of view, does the new year have any specific significance?1

Frage: Aus spiritueller Sicht betrachtet, hat das Neue Jahr eine besondere  Bedeutung?

Sri Chinmoy: From the spiritual point of view, the new year has a specific significance. On the eve of the new year, a new consciousness dawns on earth. God once again inspires each human being with new hope, new light, new peace and new bliss. God always wants us to move ahead; He does not want us to look back. We know that if a runner looks back while he is running fast, immediately his speed decreases. Similarly, if we constantly are looking behind at the year that we are leaving, we will think of our sorrow, misery, frustration, failure and so forth. But if we look forward, we will see hope dawning ahead of us and a new light illumining our consciousness.

Each new year is like a new rung on the ladder of consciousness which we have to climb up. When the new year dawns, we have to make ourselves conscious of the fact that we have to transcend our present capacity and present achievement. When we have that kind of firm determination, God showers His choicest Blessings upon our devoted heads. God says, “As the new year dawns, a new consciousness is dawning within you. Run towards the destined Goal.” The new year energises us, encourages us and inspires us to run towards that ultimate Reality.

The new year comes
To give you another opportunity,
Another hope.
But the new year will come and go.
So begin your self-transformation-play

New year comes; old year goes.
Hope-promise-river flows.
Progress-delight certain!
I shall be the bliss-fountain.

May the beauty of the New Year
Beautify my heart.
May the purity of the New Year
Purify my mind.
May the simplicity of the New Year
Simplify my vital.
May the intensity of the New Year
Intensify my body.
May the responsibility of the New Year
Glorify my life.
May only the divinity of the New Year
Fully satisfy me.


In the New Year, a new dawn
Is beckoning me.
Im neuen Jahr lädt mich
eine neue Morgendämmerung ein.

Beginne dein Leben
im neuen Jahr
mit größtem Enthusiasmus,
größter Entschlossenheit
und größter Selbsthingabe.