Impressions 2020

→ NEW: April 2021 Juggling inspiration + more

+++ UPDATE 2020: 56 day-challenge!

People loved the Supreme-writing so much they just continued. Now I was asked to change it into a 56 day challenge (= 56 000x Supreme) – maybe for 56 people? Are you inspired??? +++

Samples of Supreme-Writings by Bhumika, Niteroy, Brazil

Harashita walked 3 hours 46 minutes, 16.2 km, along Kamo River, Kyoto City, Japan, with the sakura cherry blossoms in the background. (Sri Chinmoy loved the „Sakura“ song – he called it the „national anthem“ of Japan 🙂 )

Greetings from Pragati „The Clown“, New York, on Circus day

More Madal Circus: Zuzka and team, Czech Republic – power, strength, flexibility, humour and soulfulness.

Thank you all!

SUPREME-writers- extended till April 30th – and now for 56 days!
(most people did at least 10 days x 100 = 1000 / or 7 minutes for slow writers 🙂 – 71 writers and way over 56.000x done so far! Still to be updated…):

+++ NEW: 56 day-challenge! People loved the Supreme-writing so much they just continued. Now I was asked to change it into a 56 day challenge (= 56 000x Supreme) – maybe for 56 people? Are you inspired??? +++ (alternatives: Gratitude, Peace etc. ….)

Abhejali, Adrian, Anubha, Apara (5.084), Aranyani, Arpita (1.300), Bagavantee, Bhumika, Bindumati, Chameli (1.100), Christian D., Christian N., Christine-Maria, Christl, Daniele, Dana-Nishtha (20.978 in 56 days), Doris C., Dyotani, Elfi (left + right hand!), Florbela, Florina, Gabriella, Ganmanya, Gerda (6.627), Gunasagara (2.700), Indu, Jane, Jwalanta (1.100), Kallol, Kanupriya (1.100), Kanti (1.300), Kazem, Khaganga (127.000), Lorenzo, Luiza (+ 5 Romanian friends total of 12.659), Mahalakshmi, Mahanadi, Mahiputri, Mareike, Max (4.713), Minne, Nayana, Nemi, Nivedak, Oana, Peter, Pamela, Pradipana (1.100), Pragya, Pushkar, Rajakanya (2.300), Roxana, Sahasiki (1.100), Samviraja, Sandra, Satyamurthi, Saumya, Shadri, Shreshta (1.500), Silvia P. (2.500), Sruta (3.136, in 1 day), Sudasa, Sumati, Sumeru, Suparna (1.327), Supriya, Susan (1.820), Sylvia A., Sylvia D., Tahereh, Tapaswini (1.111), Tavishi, Tirtha (2.227), Tungin, Vasanti (3.100), Yasovati

PS: Some people liked it so much they decided to just continue writing…. – and asked for extension!

Apara from Niterói, Brazil, showing her notebook with 5.084 SUPREMEs

Arpita from Edinburgh, Scotland, used a beautiful rainbow-notebook 🙂